Learn More about the 3 Causes of Fibromyalgia and some Chronic Fatigue

There was a time when I wished I could wake up every morning with lots of energy like I used to, feeling great and get everything on my 'to do list' done.

I was frustrated being tired all the time and the pain in my neck didn't help, it would bring on headaches with auras (little blind spots or lights) that just took the joy out of my day.

Being in pain on top of being tired, I just didn't have the energy left to do much except lie down and fall asleep.  The pain I could put up with sometimes but the fatigue just stopped me from enjoying life.  It made me feel foggy in my head, I couldn’t think properly. 

I really wanted to find something that could help me get back to my normal self again and do things with others.

This is a theory that explains why my Aches Away & Energize Health Program can help people who have these symptoms.

3 Root Causes of their symptoms:

a) A variation in the Circle of Willis (blood vessels that take blood from the front of the head to the back). 50% of all people have a variation so it's really common. 

b) A neck problem, tight neck muscles or poor posture.

A neck problem, tight neck muscles or poor posture can decrease the amount of oxygenated blood going up into the back of the brain. 

c) Long Term Stress or breathing problems.

In long term stress, we breathe shallowly. This means we don't get as much oxygen into our blood when it passes through our lungs as we are not breathing deeply enough to get a good amount.

Internal Stress:  We are in stress mode 24/7 because the back of our brain is not getting as much oxygenated blood as it needs.  This makes it easy for us to tip over into anxiety when there is an outside stressful event. Stress hormones can cause or exacerbate the symptoms we can get. 

I whacked my head severely as a child a few times and had concussion falling off a horse as a teenager, causing problems in my neck which made it hard for my blood vessels to carry the blood up past all the problems in my neck.

I have both, I have a history of whiplash AND chronic stress. - A double dose of not enough oxygen! If I had no oxygen getting up to my brain, I would faint so I was just coping…

Thinking about it now, my symptoms always got worse when I was in the middle of a stressful situation, like a breakup or when my father died, which threw me into vertigo as well.

Here's what I did to help:

1. I do a gentle at-home technique (which I now teach others to do) to get more oxygen into my blood, keeps me relaxed, out of stress mode (and shallow breathing) and the gentle movements help pump blood up past the problem in my neck to the back of my brain. It also helps to drain old blood and lymph down and out of the head area. 

When the brain isn’t getting as much oxygen as it needs, it triggers stress hormones to steal blood from the body and because of the neck problem, it can't get what it needs, this keeps triggering stress hormones and those hormones trigger a whole bunch of reactions in the body, one being tension in the muscles which can cause cramping and pain. 

When I do this gentle at-home technique daily, it by-passes the 3 Root Causes and stops my brain from triggering stress hormones.  This can stop the cause of pain, foggy thinking, fatigue and all the other symptoms.

2.  I use a gentle technique that works with Nerve Reflex to release my muscles.  (I do consults with others, online, showing them where to put their hands to release).   It is a surface technique, doesn’t hurt and is simple to do.  This can help directly with any pain or tightness in the muscles and joints.  It can help with shallow breathing as well.

3. I sleep with the window open, with a security screen on.  I guess I am lucky to live in a climate, even in the winter I can still leave a window open a bit.  Air conditioners and heat pumps don’t bring in fresh air.  I open windows when I can to let fresh air into the house.  I get up and walk around if I am at the computer for a long time as when we sit we get less oxygen into our lungs for energy in our cells.

4. I take myself out of stressful situations and change my reaction to stress.  The at-home technique helps to both energize and keep me calm too.

Just doing the at-home technique keeps my fatigue, pain and foggy thinking/brain fog, headaches, migraines, vertigo, pain in the roots of my scalp hair, pressure on top of my head, IBS, nausea, anxiety and the rest of my symptoms away. 

I can now do the things I want to do with others instead of missing out!

By-passing these 3 Root CAUSES of your symptoms and increasing the blood supply to the back of your brain is the key so you can have less pain and wake up feeling energised so you can go back to doing what you like to do.

This is only attainable through doing the 
Aches Away & Energize Health Program™

with Suzanne. It's done online with some 1:1 sessions. The Program is 12 weeks long.

Email me suzanne@achesawayandenergize.com with the words 'Google Doc' and your first and last name and I'll send you the Google Document that tells you all about my Aches Away & Energize Health Program.